Trust is the outcome of principled behavior. It’s always interpersonal and it’s always about people. If you want to intentionally build trust into your leadership strategy in 2024, stop talking and start acting. These are some tried and true strategies to get you started in the new year.
The mistruths about trust seem to compound by the day. What are some of the most common mistruths?
(and some stupid ideas about trust in business:)
The business case for trust is irrefutable. This document contains some of the best research/survey results.
As the saying goes, you can’t manage what’s not being measured. Start measuring and tracking trust:
Trust cannot be delegated. Understand who “owns” trust:
Trust must be modeled, practiced and reinforced daily. Leaders must act first: Trust takes time and is built in incremental steps. It always begins with you. If you do not model trust do not expect it in return.
Start hiring for trust. If trust is not built into an organization’s hiring practices, now is the time to start. Here You will find thirteen questions worth asking.
Have you stopped to consider that your employees may not trust you? Find out why your employees don’t trust you: The fix may be easier than you think, but only if you are open to learning.
And finally, if you are spending money on building trust with your customers while taking employee trust for granted, you are violating the most basic tenets of trust. As a leader, you may see short term positive results, but over the long term employee engagement will continue to stagnate. Remember, trust is always built from the inside out.
Barbara Brooks Kimmel is an author, speaker, product developer and global subject matter expert on trust and trustworthiness. Founder of Trust Across America-Trust Around the World she is author of the award-winning Trust Inc., Strategies for Building Your Company’s Most Valuable Asset, Trust Inc., 52 Weeks of Activities and Inspirations for Building Workplace Trust and Trust Inc., a Guide for Boards & C-Suites. She majored in International Affairs (Lafayette College), and has an MBA (Baruch- City University of NY). Her expertise on trust has been cited in Harvard Business Review, Investor’s Business Daily, Thomson Reuters, BBC Radio, The Conference Board, Global Finance Magazine, Bank Director and Forbes, among others.
For more information visit our website at www.trustacrossamerica.com
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