
Archive for February 15th, 2014





Are your actions ethical? What impact are they having on others? Is unethical behavior just “business as usual?”


I recently followed a LinkedIn group thread containing the following discussion topic: In the personal life of an ethics professional, do the same standards apply as in their professional life? A debate ensued, with many taking the position that “it was just a job” no different than any other profession. In other words, “all bets were off” outside the office. As disappointing as this might seem, it was not particularly surprising.  I see similar attitudes and behavior among trust professionals. Maybe we all need an occasional reminder of what makes for ethical and trustworthy behavior, both in and outside the office. Here are a few thoughts taken from real-life examples:

  1. Lose your “me first” attitude.
  2. Stop belittling others.
  3. Don’t claim honors and awards that you did not earn.
  4. Don’t make “side deals.”
  5. Do your own “dirty work.” Don’t send a soldier to do it for you.
  6. Don’t help yourself to the copyrighted content of others without asking.
  7. Leave your ego at the door. You may not be the smartest person in the room.
  8. Tell the truth.
  9. Keep your word.
  10. If you are not sure your actions will be viewed as ethical or trustworthy, ask before proceeding.

I believe we all have a personal and professional obligation to hold ourselves to high standards, to be role models and to exhibit integrity and character. We have an obligation to walk our talk. We have an obligation to lead with trust. Stop and consider whether your actions are ethical and the impact they will have on others.  A lack of trust and ethics should not be viewed as “business as usual.” It’s just bad business.

For more information about organizational trust, please visit our website at You may also be interested in our new book, Trust Inc.: Strategies for Building Your Company’s Most Valuable Asset

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Trust Inc.


What are some additional trust busters that you would like to see added to this list? Feel free to leave a comment!

Barbara Brooks Kimmel, Executive Director, Trust Across America-Trust Around the World

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